jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

I’d like to go to Paraguay, a mysterious place

I love the countries of Latin-American, because I think that all this countries has very similar elements, like culture, music, and political history. For this reasons, I would like to know one country every year, especially in South America.
The last year I have been in four countries of South America: Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina. This was the most beautiful travel of my life, and I want repeat it this summer.
The country that I want to know this summer is Paraguay, because I think that it is the most mysterious and eccentric place of the region. The people in Paraguay speak Spanish and guaraní, his native language. The culture guaraní have great force in the society, and have an important influence in the people.
Paraguay is the only country of South America (with Bolivia) that doesn’t have sea, and his more important city is Asunsión. The second city in importance is Ciudad del Este, the city with more illegal activities of the region. In this city people don’t practice the laws, and the police is very corrupted. For this reasons I would like to go to Ciudad del Este to make very easy money and live happy.

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