miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

My dreams

Today I’m going to talk about the dreams, one of the topic most present in our life. The last nigh I dreamed that I could fly, and this was one of the more exciting sensations that I felt in my life.

To can fly is my favorite recurrent dream. Sometimes, I feel fear to fly, but this adrenaline is very entertaining.  Other dream that is recurrent in my nights is travel to countries that I never have been in the real life. Between this dreams I have been in different places, like Spain, England, USA, France, China, Japan, India, and Brazil.

In any case, I think that dreams do not predict the future, but I think that dreams are one indicator about the problems and wishes of our subconscious. Sometimes, I can take a dream like an advice to do better my works in the life.

If I had political power, I would do very things for the poor people, like build a society without social classes. In this world the justice and equality would be the most important concepts. 

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