miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

My dreams

Today I’m going to talk about the dreams, one of the topic most present in our life. The last nigh I dreamed that I could fly, and this was one of the more exciting sensations that I felt in my life.

To can fly is my favorite recurrent dream. Sometimes, I feel fear to fly, but this adrenaline is very entertaining.  Other dream that is recurrent in my nights is travel to countries that I never have been in the real life. Between this dreams I have been in different places, like Spain, England, USA, France, China, Japan, India, and Brazil.

In any case, I think that dreams do not predict the future, but I think that dreams are one indicator about the problems and wishes of our subconscious. Sometimes, I can take a dream like an advice to do better my works in the life.

If I had political power, I would do very things for the poor people, like build a society without social classes. In this world the justice and equality would be the most important concepts. 

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

I love my special term

This special term will be a new adventure for my life. I never had a same situacion before, but I dont see it like a problem, because I understand that it is product of student demostrations. My great problem in this special term has been the process of habituation to get up early, and travel every days. I live in San Bernardo and I took one hour for arrive to my university.

The five subjects that I have in this term are the last of my career. The next year I just will make the title memory. Between this five subjects my favorite is "The Raul Ruiz filmes". In this subject I see very filmes of the chilean autor Raúl Ruiz, who have a very special style.

About the weather I feel happy, because I love high temperature. I have very shirts that I love to use. In conclusion I'am satisfied with this special term.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

My favorite picture: Evo+Fidel+Chávez together.

I love this photo because I think that photography should express a lot more than only beauty. For this reason I like the political photography, because it shows symbolic elements of the problems of the society.
This photo was taken in April of 2006 in La Habana, Cuba, in the context of the visit of President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, and the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales. These Presidents visited to Fidel Castro, in this moment, President of Cuba, for commemorate the first anniversary of ALBA (Alternativa Bolivariana para las Américas).
This organization meets to the countries that are committed whit socialist political project. Also I love this photo because shows the profiles of the leaders of this process. And these profiles are very different, reflecting the personality and style of these Presidents.
In the center of the photo is Fidel Castro, whit a expression experienced that reflecting his long political career. In left Hugo Chavez appears whit a face more young than Fidel, depicts his momentum and strong character. In right appears Evo Morales, the most young of the picture. He is the one who is smiling, and he is who occupies more area.
Other element that I like of this picture is the colors. Hugo Chávez has a red shirt, the symbolic color of the socialist. Fidel Castro has a green shirt, the classic color of the Cuban revolution. Finally, Evo Morales has a white shirt, shows all his youth as a leader.
Other element that I love of this photo is his light. This light shows hope and happiness. This light makes this photo in a party.  
This photo belongs to a news agency.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Vertigo, by Alfred Hitchcock

I like going to the cinema, but I can’t going ever because it is very expensive. For this reason I took a class of film criticism in my University. In this class, teacher gave a list of great movies of the history that I can getting free in the library of my career. Here I found a movie called "Vertigo" by Alfred Hitchcock.
I loved this movie. For this reason I went to rent Blockbuster to view it again.

From there, Vertigo became one of my favorite movies, along with “The inception”, “Fight club” and “El Laberinto del Fauno”.

Vertigo tells the story of a man who suffers for the love of a woman who usurps the identity of another woman.  This woman disappears, but then again with his true identity.

This movie is different because it cannot be classified into any one genre. Vertigo shows elements of drama, comedy and suspense.

I think that this movie hasn’t weak point, because it is a masterpiece.

I think that all persons who love the cine should see “Vertigo”. And then, they should see Psycho, the most famous movie by Alfred Hitchcock


martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

I love my old computer

My favorite piece of technology is my computer. It is very slow and has little memory capacity, but it was my first computer and I love it for that reason. My grandfather bought this computer in 2004, as a Christmas’ gift, since then, I have used it in every day.
 I use my computer for a lot of activities, like upload posts on my blog, review my e-mail and know the last news of my friends on Facebook. Also I use it for read the newspapers and for make my works for the university.
 In synthesis, I could to say that all my life is related with my computer, for that reason I love it, and my life without it would be very bored, slow and disorganized.
But now my brother needs a computer, because he lost his cell phone whit Internet. For this reason, I’m saving  money to buy a new computer.

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Rodrigo Retamal, the men of the B.

The sport journalists of Chile don’t usually write to soccer of second division. For they, always is most relevant the matches and news about first division, where are the stars of the competition and where the spectacle has all the lights.  Rodrigo Retamal is a journalist that make exactly the opposite to the mass of people, as he all weeks give news and comments of the second division of the chilean soccer (also called "Primera B")

Rodrigo Retamal, also called as “Reta”, was born in Talca in 25 of june of 1985. Talca is a city of the south-central zone of Chile. He moved to Santiago in 2004 when started to study journalism in Universidad de Chile. Since 2007 he working in newspaper La Tercera, where got the position of official reporter of second division. He is fans of Rangers de Talca, a team of this division, it explain his inclination for this kind of soccer.

Rodrigo Retamal also working as economist journalist in Valor Futuro, a Chilean agency of news.

Now “Reta” write on the website of La Tercera (www.latercera.com) where he is still giving information to people that love soccer far away of the stars. For this reasons I think that in Chile should to exist more journalists like he.