miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

I love my special term

This special term will be a new adventure for my life. I never had a same situacion before, but I dont see it like a problem, because I understand that it is product of student demostrations. My great problem in this special term has been the process of habituation to get up early, and travel every days. I live in San Bernardo and I took one hour for arrive to my university.

The five subjects that I have in this term are the last of my career. The next year I just will make the title memory. Between this five subjects my favorite is "The Raul Ruiz filmes". In this subject I see very filmes of the chilean autor Raúl Ruiz, who have a very special style.

About the weather I feel happy, because I love high temperature. I have very shirts that I love to use. In conclusion I'am satisfied with this special term.

2 comentarios:

  1. Travel one hour is not fanny. I understand you. I travel every day 45 minutes.
    I hope that this last term be great. Congratulations!! I wish you the best.

  2. As the saying goes: Put a good face on it.
