martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

My favorite picture: Evo+Fidel+Chávez together.

I love this photo because I think that photography should express a lot more than only beauty. For this reason I like the political photography, because it shows symbolic elements of the problems of the society.
This photo was taken in April of 2006 in La Habana, Cuba, in the context of the visit of President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, and the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales. These Presidents visited to Fidel Castro, in this moment, President of Cuba, for commemorate the first anniversary of ALBA (Alternativa Bolivariana para las Américas).
This organization meets to the countries that are committed whit socialist political project. Also I love this photo because shows the profiles of the leaders of this process. And these profiles are very different, reflecting the personality and style of these Presidents.
In the center of the photo is Fidel Castro, whit a expression experienced that reflecting his long political career. In left Hugo Chavez appears whit a face more young than Fidel, depicts his momentum and strong character. In right appears Evo Morales, the most young of the picture. He is the one who is smiling, and he is who occupies more area.
Other element that I like of this picture is the colors. Hugo Chávez has a red shirt, the symbolic color of the socialist. Fidel Castro has a green shirt, the classic color of the Cuban revolution. Finally, Evo Morales has a white shirt, shows all his youth as a leader.
Other element that I love of this photo is his light. This light shows hope and happiness. This light makes this photo in a party.  
This photo belongs to a news agency.

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