martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Rodrigo Retamal, the men of the B.

The sport journalists of Chile don’t usually write to soccer of second division. For they, always is most relevant the matches and news about first division, where are the stars of the competition and where the spectacle has all the lights.  Rodrigo Retamal is a journalist that make exactly the opposite to the mass of people, as he all weeks give news and comments of the second division of the chilean soccer (also called "Primera B")

Rodrigo Retamal, also called as “Reta”, was born in Talca in 25 of june of 1985. Talca is a city of the south-central zone of Chile. He moved to Santiago in 2004 when started to study journalism in Universidad de Chile. Since 2007 he working in newspaper La Tercera, where got the position of official reporter of second division. He is fans of Rangers de Talca, a team of this division, it explain his inclination for this kind of soccer.

Rodrigo Retamal also working as economist journalist in Valor Futuro, a Chilean agency of news.

Now “Reta” write on the website of La Tercera ( where he is still giving information to people that love soccer far away of the stars. For this reasons I think that in Chile should to exist more journalists like he.